
Friday 27 April 2012

Urgh! It's been so embarrassingly long since I've posted that Blogger have changed their format, which in the manner of changes have made things a whole lot more confusing to my simple artist brain.

Suffice to say, I've been a tiny bit busy of late but thought I'd squeeze in a quick post in case you thought I'd died or something.

So what's been happening?  Well, I've finished the initial resin jewellery ideas and all the necklaces have been put together with sterling silver (a foolish idea, as silver is SO EXPENSIVE at the moment) and I have already sold two of the heart ones, which is most encouraging.

The website has been fully updated with lots of luvverly new products and has a whole new page devoted to the resin.  Unfortunately I can't think of a more glamorous title for it, so 'resin' it must remain, unless anyone has any suggestions?!

Right now I'm preparing like mad for a charity craft fair held over two days in Walton-On-Thames next week, then as soon as I set my delicate foot back into Brighton on Thursday afternoon, it's straight up to 60, Florence Road to display whatever's left for the Brighton Festival Open Houses.  The house is open for four weekends commencing 5th-6th May from 11am to 5pm and is LOVELY (and has cake) so do pop by if you're in the area.

Another bit of news is that after contacting the IOSF to check that they were OK about me using their name and info in conjunction with my intention to donate to their Furget-Me-Not project, they were so impressed with my otters they asked if I would be interested in selling them through their online shop.  The arrangements are still ongoing, but hopefully they will appear there soon.  It's lovely to know that the commission they take will go directly to helping them in their work in caring for orphaned and needy otters.

Oh, and en route to a friend's wedding last weekend we dropped into the Cotswold Wildlife Park for a visit.  Sadly the weather was pretty grim and they only had four otters (who were actually awake and out, which was lucky) but we got to see a tiny fluffy baby meerkat and a baby ring-tailed lemur too.  Very cute.  No plans to immortalise them in felt yet, though!

It was so cold all the lemurs were huddled together