
Saturday 4 May 2013

Private View - 202 Ditchling Road

Sadly I could only make it to one of the Open House private views last night - they do all tend to be on the same night, which is tricky!  One year I managed to fit in three, but logistically that wasn't going to happen this time.

The sun was out, so the beautiful garden was put to full use, showing off glass by Annie McMullan and sculptures by Chris Brooks amongst others.

LOADS of people turned up, which was lovely, and house-owner Polly Raynes provided some seriously tasty canapés to soak up the wine.  My Cheese Oxo Biscuits lasted about five minutes - I knew I should have made double.

To be honest, I'm usually pretty hopeless at private views.  Rather than work the room or even stand helpfully next to my display, I tend to chat to friends and guzzle way too much wine. It was great to see everyone though.

The house is now open for four weekends throughout May from 11am to 5pm.  For more info, click here.  I'm also showing at 56 Tivoli Crescent.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Private View Nibbles - Mum's Cheese Oxo Biscuits

I've been meaning to pop a recipe up on here since Christmas, when I wanted to treat you to my take on the sumptuous Italian gorgeousness that is Chocolate Salami.

Sadly, I was far too busy (maybe this year) so please forgive me and accept this humble offering instead.

I remember loving these biscuits as a kid and I've been nagging Mum to dig out this recipe for ages, but she couldn't find it.  Finally it turned up, so I'm baking a batch for the Ditchling Road Open House private view tomorrow evening.  Why not knock up a batch of your own and recreate the full PV experience by looking through an art book or something while you scoff them with a glass of wine.


4oz plain flour
4oz margarine
3oz Cheddar cheese
1 Oxo cube (I used the vegetable one, but the original recipe calls for the red one)


1. Rub the margarine into the flour until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

2.  Grate in the cheese.

3. Crumble in the stock cube, knead the mixture together to form a dough, then cover and put in the fridge to rest for half an hour.

4. Roll out the dough thinly onto a well-floured surface.

5.  Cut out shapes with a cutter (or small glass) and lay on a well-greased baking sheet.

6.  Bake in a pre-heated oven (170º fan/190ºC/350ºF) for 15 minutes.

7. Remove from oven and leave to cool.

8.  Leave washing-up in the hope that boyfriend will do it.