
Thursday 16 June 2011

The Evolution Of Otters

Experiments in felt have proved a pleasant diversion from reality . . . and as mentioned previously, I've been trying to capture the essential otteriness of my current favourite animal.  Why?  WHO KNOWS.  Will anyone want to buy one?  WHO KNOWS.  Have I enjoyed it?  HELL, YEAH.

I've been working without any kind of 'official' pattern or guide, just making my own templates from drawings I've done from photos.  The results have been variously bad, hilarious, dinosaur-esque, wonky and cute but ultimately pleasing - so much so that I thought I'd put together some 'evolution diagrams'.

Fig. I

Fig. II

Fig. III

The choice of felt colours has been limited though - I'd love some of that more handmade-looking, subtly-coloured textured felt.  I will have to look in a few more specialist shops, which is possibly an excuse to go to London. And spend money.

If you wish to own a fine example of 'OTTER PERFECTION', click here!


  1. hahah oh wow that is just the best thing I've seen all day ... or all year actually . HEHE I LOVE it :)
    hehe "nice ear placement" ... Otter ear placement is vital .. I know from trying to draw them all the time :)

    every time I read it I laugh... your journey was epic...

  2. Seriously, ear placement is SO CRUCIAL! Otters are surprisingly difficult to capture, the slippery little critters.

    Thanks for the feedback - I KNOW you understand!
