
Saturday 2 February 2013

We're Glad It's All Over

Thank God it's not January any more!

It seemed to go on for ages and I couldn't get to grips with it at all, blinking like a mole into 2013.  And it's been over a month since I posted on here.  Bad girl.  Baaaaaad.

It's been a while now, but I hope you guys had lots of Festive Fun!

The highlight of my Christmas was spending some time with the delightful Nemo Otter at the Aquazoo in Düsseldorf.  What a treat!  Dr Wolfgang Gettmann and Aquazoo friend Heike Degen were so nice to Paul and I and let us spend ages with Nemo, as well as showing us behind the scenes of the zoo.  I got to hold a tarantula!  Squeamish folks, look away now.

We could have stroked an octopus too, apparently, but sadly it had died a few days earlier.

Anyway, let's cut to the best bit.

A sleepy little ott! Nemo's fur is coarser that I expected, as were his whiskers.  He also has an incredibly muscly tail which was really quite heavy and fleshy underneath the tip.

Nemo is made to appreciate some quality Shark Alley workmanship - an otter keyring I made as a gift for Wolfgang.

Now, could I sneak this otter into my handbag? And would they notice?

Taking Nemo for a walk in Nordpark, where the Aquazoo is set.

Nemo hunts for juicy fat worms, which he dispatches with a couple of quick gulps. DELICIOUS.

It all seems like a dream now!  We were with him for three hours and were invited to stay longer, but we had to catch a train up to the north later that afternoon.  We can go and visit him again whenever we are next there, though.

Kaiserswerther Straße 380, 40200 Düsseldorf, Germany.

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